Verify Report

A new, more transparent economy, where the supply chain meets blockchain.

Blockchain is breaking all the existing stereotypes of the diamond industry by streamlining the processes of the diamond journey from mine to the consumers, effectively providing transparency and spurring positive change in the industry.
Consumers, particularly millennials, are increasingly interested in understanding how and where their products are sourced. The blockchain ledger records every sequence of transaction from beginning to end as each transaction occurs, These transactions are cryptographically unique, secure, and immutable. Hence blockchain is ideal to record the origin, characteristics, and ownership of one of the most valuable goods on earth. It can trace a diamond’s path from the mine to the hands of the consumer with unparalleled security, privacy, and transparency.

Key Features

Man on a laptop image showcasing fraud proofing on the Blockchain enabled report provided by SGL Labs.

Fraud Proof

Lock image used on Blockchain enable report page.


Illustration used to show transparency in the block chain enable report.


Lock and key image.


Easy access attribute of Blockchain enabled report on SGL labs.

Easy Access

Clock and machine combined image used on Blockchain enabled report page of SGL Labs.

Real Time

In partnership with Everledger, an industry-leading Blockchain technology enterprise, we’re defining next-generation standards in the diamond and JEWELLERY industry and continuing our leadership in promoting transparency and responsibility. The cutting-edge blockchain-based technology has been integrated with our grading system to seamlessly and securely track the diamond origin and provide greater consumer assurance for responsible practices.